rate produces a table and lookup function for the large deviation rate function of the index (see accompanying vignette for definition).

rate(N = 1000)



number of intermediate points; size of resulting table


The output of rate is a list of four elements:

  • table: a table of function values with N elements

  • table: a table of function values with N elements for the derivative

  • lkup_R: a corresponding lookup function for the rate function R

  • lkup_dR: a corresponding lookup functions for the derivative of R

See also

leigh, mu

Package: symconivol


R <- rate() ggplot(R$table, aes(x=rho,y=R)) + geom_line()
ggplot(R$dtable, aes(x=rho,y=dR)) + geom_line()
rho <- (0:10)/10 matrix(c(rho, R$lkup_R(rho), R$lkup_dR(rho) ),11,3)
#> [,1] [,2] [,3] #> [1,] 0.0 2.746522e-01 -1.3168985 #> [2,] 0.1 1.631496e-01 -0.9364631 #> [3,] 0.2 8.498533e-02 -0.6386220 #> [4,] 0.3 3.427850e-02 -0.3817735 #> [5,] 0.4 7.606010e-03 -0.1633829 #> [6,] 0.5 -1.343760e-11 0.0000000 #> [7,] 0.6 7.606010e-03 0.1633829 #> [8,] 0.7 3.427850e-02 0.3817735 #> [9,] 0.8 8.498533e-02 0.6386220 #> [10,] 0.9 1.631496e-01 0.9364631 #> [11,] 1.0 2.746522e-01 1.3168985